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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Pictures of Singapore circuit at night

There were some concerns about the Singapore Grand Prix. The main reason of course was the safety of the drivers there. Since it is a night race visibility is not at its peak, but the experts are trying to manage enough (well more than enough) light for drivers to race. After the Moto GP debut in Qatar - the sceptics of night races have gone quiet. But the question still rises, will these be a proper F1 race, or just a show with Bernie as a producer trying to get as much publicity as possible..

In these next pictures you can decide for yourself if there will be good racing conditions, the experts are really trying - there are some of the best man on the job, but will they pull it of? Well there is no sure answer, we will just have to wait for the race to see. But I can offer a preview of what kind of conditions the drivers will encounter. The first pic is an air shot of the start lane.


pic 1: Part of the track iluminated at night at the Singapure circuit
pic 2: Start line at Singapure circuit

Plus there is one new thing (beside the night race). As the darkness effect the site, flags are hard to see if not invisible at that speeds, so the race officials issued a light warnings, as seen on pictures below:

pic 1: The substitute for yellow flag - iluminated yellow lights
pic 2: The substitute for red flag - iluminated red lights

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