Here you can find news and photos regarding F1. The pictures (wallpapers) and news displayed are the ones I managed to find on the Internet (I sure hope I am not violating any copyright acts). On the left side you will find labels, links, search, bookmark and on the right google ads. Please leave comments (I appreciate them all), no registration required! You can also send me feedback! Enjoy

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Canvas Paintings of F1 cars through history; Part 2

As I promised more canvas pictures..

pic 1: "Last Victory" Ayrton Senna McLaren
pic 2: "Ringmaster" Michael Schumacher Ferrari
pic 3: "Tunnel Vision" Gilles Villeneuve Ferrari

pic 1: "Seeing Red" Michael Schumacher Ferrari
pic 2: "shark attack"

pic 1: Sir Jackie Stewart Tyrrell Ford
pic 2: "Italian Job II"

pic 1: "On The Limit" Gilles Villeneuve
pic 2: "Return of the cat" Jaguar

pic 1: "Remembering James" James Hunt Ferrari
pic 2: "Two of a kind" Nigel Mansel and Ayrton Senna

Source: click here

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