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Monday, February 18, 2008

Raikkonen appears in gorilla suit at boat race

02 August 2007; Kimi Raikkonen is one of those drivers who isn't afraid to enjoy a life outside Formula 1. The Finnish Ferrari driver participated in a motorboat race in his home country. Kimi and his friends appeared on a boat in gorilla outfits.

Many of the spectators knew Raikkonen would attend the event but they were unable to recognise him easily as the Finn and his mates arrived in gorilla outfits. Raikkonen said about the event: "True, last weekend there was a motorboat meeting at Hanko and me and two friends of mine participated as a team on a boat with a real captain and a real helmsman. What a pity that us three were dressed like gorillas, we even won the prize for the best costumes! I had lots of fun and I hope that it will be the same during the upcoming weekend in Hungary."

Source: click here

Yea, yea old news, im only posting these because the pictures :D, and here they are Kimi Räikkönen in the gorilla suit!!




Source for pic: click here

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