Here you can find news and photos regarding F1. The pictures (wallpapers) and news displayed are the ones I managed to find on the Internet (I sure hope I am not violating any copyright acts). On the left side you will find labels, links, search, bookmark and on the right google ads. Please leave comments (I appreciate them all), no registration required! You can also send me feedback! Enjoy

Thursday, February 28, 2008

F1 History in pictures! Part 2

Here is the continuing of previous post historical photos (more coming)
F1 History in pictures! Part 2

As you will see I don't know all the names of drivers and/or when the photo was taken, so if you know you can leave a comment below (no registration needed, all can comment). And even if you don't know I will still appreciate any given comment!

pic 1: James Hunt sitting whit a girl 1976

pic 1: Nigel Mansell Williams-honda Silverstone 1987

pic 1: Jackie Stewart tyrrell
pic 2: Jody Schekter ferrari


pic 1: Gilles Villeneuve Ferrari


Wisdom_Mcr said...

WOW great pictures, I have been an F1 fan since I can remember.

F1fan said...

Thanks ;)! There is another site with more F1 historical pictures
Take a look!

There are a lot more posts (both news and pictures) so check them out tho! See the labels on the left side up, or better yet use the search option and find stuff you want!!

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