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Monday, November 17, 2008

Anthony Davidson Super Aguri Season 2008

1. This is the first post dedicated to the drivers who drove in F1 2008 season. The order is followed by championship ranking - backwards. So I will start with Anthony Davidson and end with Lewis Hamilton! Posts will appear weekly to make this off season more interesting!

Anthony is obviously very disappointed that the team was unable to see out the 2008 season and beyond, and gutted not just for himself but for all of the guys at the factory who have worked so hard. It showed their great dedication and loyalty to keep fighting given the uncertainty over the future.

I think personally the first four races were very positive and he continued to build on what he learnt from his rookie season last year. After several years as a test driver in F1 he had the chance to show that he can race and to prove his speed, and he shuld be grateful to the team and Honda for the opportunity. Although it's a difficult time of the year to find an alternative option as the season is well underway. Anthony: ^I’m glad that I took the opportunity to compete again this year and strongly believe that I have unfinished business in Formula One.^

pic 1: Anthony Davidson Super Aguri Friday Free Practise Bahrain Grand Prix 2008
pic 2: Anthony Davidson Super Aguri Spain Catalunya qualification F1 2008

pic 1: Anthony Davidson Super Aguri Malaysian gp Free practise Friday
pic 2: Anthony Davidson Super Aguri Race Malaysian Grand Prix Sunday 2008

pic 1: Anthony Davidson Super Aguri Maleisya
pic 2: Anthony Davidson Super Aguri Maleisya

pic 1: Anthony Davidson Super Aguri Sunday race Melbourne Australia
pic 2:Anthony Davidson Friday Spain

pic 1: Anthony Davidson Super Aguri qualifying session Melbourne Australia
pic 2: Anthony Davidson Super Aguri qualifying session Albert Park 2008

pic 1: Anthony Davidson Super Aguri Bahrain quali F1 2008
pic 2: Anthony Davidson Super Aguri Malesya

pic 1: Anthony Davidson Super Aguri Bahrain F1 2008
pic 2: Anthony Davidson Super Aguri Bahrain Free Practise F1 2008

pic 1: Anthony Davidson Friday Test Melbourne Australia Albert Park 2008
pic 2: Anthony Davidson Friday Test Melbourne Australia Albert Park 2008

1 comment:

Christopher said...

One thing I have to admit is that Super Aguri had an awesome colour scheme on this car. Shame they had to drop out

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